Dr. Richard Rogers

Dr. Richard Rogers

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some other questions?
What particular insurances do we take?

We accept all insurances.

How long has Dr. Rogers been practicing in Victoria?

He has practiced for 26 years in Victoria.

Which hospitals does he practice out of?

He practices at Citizens Medical Center, Detar Hospital, and Yoakum Community Hospital.

Does Dr. Rogers treat children?

He only treats patients 18 years and older.

Who does he use for anesthesia?

He administers his own anesthesia so there will be no extra charges for that.

What are the hours of operation of the office?

The office is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Monday through Thursday. Lunch hours are from 11:30 to 12:30 daily. Fridays and weekends the office is closed.