
Dr. Richard Rogers

Dr. Richard Rogers


What do we offer?

A primary focus of Dr. Rogers’ practice is colorectal cancer screening. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Early detection by colonoscopy screening finds cancer in an early and treatable stage. Just as significantly, colonoscopy allows the removal of precancerous growths before their transformation into cancer.  Most early cancers do not present with any symptoms.  However, if you have symptoms of bleeding, weight loss, anemia, fatigue, abdominal pain, or change in bowel habits, particularly, pencil-like stools, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Rogers.

Colonoscopy is a procedure in which a gastroenterologist uses a video camera and a light source on the end of a small flexible tube to examine the inner lining layer of the colon. The human colon is often 4-5 feet in length. Due to the “twilight sleep” used during the procedure, however, it is essentially painless. Dr. Rogers has extensive experience with this type of sedation, reducing the cost to you by hundreds of dollars since there is no additional anesthesia fee. Biopsies may be taken at the time of colonoscopy, and all polyps will be removed at this time, typically. These procedures are performed by Dr. Rogers almost every day of the week for your convenience. In order to achieve the highest detection rate, it is important to follow the preparation instructions and complete the prep. A cleansing preparation is required to achieve the best examination of the colon. If the colon is not well prepared, Dr. Rogers may not be able to evaluate the entire colon. It is like trying to videotape with mud on the lens.

The AGA Patient Center website discusses the preparation in general, but you will be given instructions for your specific prep in the office. If you have any questions about the preparation, please feel free to contact the office.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Flexible sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic procedure which allows the examination of the rectum and the adjacent sigmoid colon, often examining 20 inches of the colon. This procedure seldom requires sedation as it only takes 2-5 minutes. If pain is encountered, the procedure is halted or modified.

Hemorrhoidal Banding

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids may include bleeding, soiling and itching, and a “full” sensation accompanied by prolapse or protrusion of hemorrhoidal tissue. A number of different techniques have been tried to avoid surgical hemorrhoidectomy and its complications, particularly, the painful 6 weeks recovery period. The O’Regan banding system is a new adaptation of an old and established method of alleviating or improving the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. The technique involves affixing a small band to the internal hemorrhoid, and it is almost painless! The procedure is done in the office and takes on average 2- 3 minutes. Typically, three to four office visits of less than 5 minutes are required to achieve an 85% satisfaction with this simple procedure. The complication rate is also very low.

For more information the CRH website is available at this link.


Esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD involves the examination of the esophagus or swallowing tube, stomach and duodenum with a video camera on the end of a small flexible tube. This is typically used to identify inflammation, ulceration, cancerous and pre-cancerous growths or tumors of the esophagus, stomach and the first part of the small intestine. It may also be used to identify and alleviate or stop active bleeding.


This involves using a special video camera mounted to the side of a flexible tube. The very small opening of the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts are identified and X-rays may identify abnormalities. An even smaller endoscope called a choledochoscope may also be used. This procedure often allows removal of small stones and debris that may have passed from the gall bladder and occluded or blocked the bile ducts causing pain and possibly infection or jaundice.


All endoscopic procedures have associated risks. These, typically, include bleeding up to 10 days after a procedure if tumors have been removed. You should call Dr. Rogers’ office or go to the emergency room if you pass more than a cup of blood. Emergency call coverage is available 24 hours a day if needed. Perforation or tearing the GI tract is a rare event especially when GI endoscopy is performed by a trained and experienced gastroenterologist like Dr. Rogers. Reaction to the “twilight sedation” is also rare as is infection. It is not uncommon to have minor symptoms such as bloating and cramping after an endoscopic procedure. Once, however, this air has been passed rectally you should return to normal. This may be facilitated by either walking or kneeling on the elbows and knees. If you have fever or severe abdominal pain, you should contact Dr. Rogers or go to the emergency room, immediately.

24 Hour Call Coverage

If you have a problem following a procedure, call Dr. Rogers’ office. If it is after business hours, Dr. Rogers has 24 hour coverage, 7 days a week by a trained gastroenterologist. Obviously, if you feel it is an emergency, you should immediately go the nearest emergency room facility.